Pet Microchip Implantation

Do you ever worry about what you would do if you accidentally lost your pet? Gain peace of mind by microchipping your dog or cat!
If your dog or cat found its way outdoors, would your beloved pet be identified so that he or she may be returned to you? Even if your pet wears a collar with an identification tag, your pet should be microchipped as it provides an additional security benefit. A collar may come off or the tags may be outdated, damaged, or unreadable. Microchips are reliable, will not “come” or “break” off, and cannot be stolen or damaged. Microchipping is a safe, dependable, and simple identification solution that will dramatically increase the chances that you will recover your pet in the event he/she goes missing!
Montrose Animal Hospital and Pet Hotel recommends microchipping all pets, and can microchip your pet at his or her wellness exam.
How does Microchip Implementation Work if Your Pet goes Missing?
Fortunately, most veterinary hospitals and animal shelters across the country are equipped with scanners capable of detecting and reading microchips, and as usage increases more and more of the facilities without this equipment are obtaining it. If your pet is lost, his or her microchip will be scanned, and the information will be checked against a database to reunite you and your loving companion!
You can visit the AVMA’s website website to learn more about some of the most frequently asked questions about microchipping. If you find a pet or want to check on your pet’s microchip information, you may use the Pet Microchip Lookup web site to find information based on the microchip number, independent of the microchipping company.